Little misfortune sayings
Little misfortune sayings

Voice enough where he has to constantly tell her to watch her language. Innocent Swearing: She tends to swear a lot when particularly frustrated.Voice is really Morgo, the demon that was kidnapping children throughout Openfields, she doesn't seem surprised at all. Voice saying that sketchy things, yet she just goes along with it and thinks nothing else of it. Horrible Judge of Character: Played With.Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Her unfailingly cheerful attitude in the face of her awful life lends much to the game's dark comedy.At the end it shows that Misfortune has been Dead All Along. Voice says at the beginning of the game that by the end of the day, Misfortune will die. Misfortune: When will Daddy learn I like them alive? She makes note of this when she finds the dead rabbits in the fridge. Friend to All Living Things: She loves animals, and becomes saddened when they die or are killed.

little misfortune sayings

Flipping the Bird: She claims to have given the monster in her closet "the finger" and it has never came back since.

#Little misfortune sayings free#

  • Dull Surprise: When she's falling after getting free from the crows, her screaming sounds less terrified and more bored, and she notes she's taking a long time to fall back to Earth.
  • little misfortune sayings

  • Dissonant Serenity: Mentions the abusive behavior of her parents in her normal conversation.
  • Deal with the Devil: Unintentionally made one with the Big Bad in the beginning to participate in his "game" to win the prize for her mother.
  • As it turns out, she was hit by a car when crossing the road at the beginning of the game.
  • Dead All Along: Revealed at the end of the game.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Her thought process can be.
  • Also throughout the game whenever she encounters something a child her age shouldn't see, she chalks them up to the innocent happenings. She casually talks about her parents abuse, but brushes it off and goes on to talk about other things that cheer her up.
  • Character Title: The game is named after her.
  • ", you say?" (Whenever she hears or reads something that puzzles or enlightens her.).
  • Voice talking, and regularly has discussions with him.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: She can hear Mr.
  • Brainy Brunette: Is dark-haired, and can solve puzzles and speak more than one language at the age of 8.
  • little misfortune sayings

    Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: Given that she is still a child, Misfortune tends to act this way.Voice's game when promised "Eternal Happiness". The main and titular character of the game, who happily complies with Mr.

    Little misfortune sayings